Video Production and Editing
If you or your company is looking for video production services we are certainly are here to help bring your vision to light. Concrete Pictures and its managing partners Paul Cormack and Jon Stewart have decades of creative get it done production experience behind them. They also have a very creative team of specialists working in video production, editing, sound, graphics and colour correction.
Below are a few examples.
Concrete Pictures has produced hundreds of videos over the years for clients across the country. Together we've crafted engaging visual content. There's been implosions, demolitions, bridge installations, heavy lifting, training videos, recruiting, end of year videos, social media content, you name it.

Major Infrastructure
Highways, Airports, Railways, Ports

Power Plants, Mines, Bridges, Buildings

Heavy Lifting and Craning
Oil Refining, Bridges, Buildings

Employee Recruiting
Colleges, Online, Job Fairs

Training Videos
Safety, Trucking, Onboarding

Power Plants, Smoke Stacks, Mining

Bridges and Tunnels
Roadways, Highways, Rail Corridors

End of Year Videos
Annual Meetings, Christmas Parties
Concrete Pictures owns an extensive collection of video production equipment in order to best capture your projects. We do not rent camera equipment. We have choosen this approach as we can quickly react to any video shooting opportunities that come our way.
Due to the nature of our work, heavy duty and well designed video equipment is a must. Our extensive in house inventory of video equipment is extensive, specialized and built for anything the Canadian weather can throw at us.
Video Production Equipment
- Interviews with Key Project Personel
- Stunning Quality 4K Video Recording
- Local and Remote Time-Lapse Camera Systems
- Fast Action High Speed Cameras up to 240 fps
- Fully Repeatable Motion Control Systems
- Teleprompter
- Rock Solid Stablized Camera Mounts
- Cameras Sliders for added Camera Movement
- Dozens of GoPros w/Custom Mounts and Power Options
- Portable Lighting Kits

Sony FX6

Sony FX6

Sony FX6
Video Editing and Post Production
One of the most creative aspects of video production is the editing process.
- Rock Solid Full Frame 4K Video Cameras
- Multiple GoPro Cameras and Mounts
- Lighting Kits
- Teleprompter
- Audio
- 3D Project Site Modelling and Volume Metrics
- Approved by Transport Canada
- Approved by NAVCAN
- Repeatable flights over days, months or years
- 48 Hour Approval to Fly Anywhere in Canada